All we required to "unblock" "Screamyx" Blockage to BT P2P and PPS is by downloading and installing a software called "Hotspot Shield".
Below is the step to do:
1. Download "Hotspot Shield" and install.
2. If you are using PPS, refresh the programmes list. If you are using a BT software such as Bitcomet or Thuder, you need to do nothing. :)
3. Run the "Hotspot Shield" software that located in your desktop.
4. Enjoyed back your full speed bt p2p and pps using Streamyx broadband.
5. If you had tried and it works for you, please post a comment to me saying that it is useful or else i will threat it as a useless method and delete this post.
Download link:

Note that this software is not using any hacking or crack technology.The only disadvantage i encounter when using this software is when you surfing internet, an advertisement will be shown in the above of the web page(There is nothing wrong as the people making this software also need to make some revenue for himself right?)Some of the people claims that they have a higher speed than before. So, what are you waiting for? Just try it and you will know its power!
sorry to say, but it's not working for me =(
how is your speed after using it? have you connect it? It works for me...
hi..what do mean by refresh the programmes list? u mean the pps programme list?
Sorry pal, maybe it is time for another solution. This VPN couldn't do anything at all. It doesn't give me full speed me but cease functioning p2p/pps/bt/thunder/flashget and annoying ads, maybe you are the one and only who worked in malsysia. Frankly, it is worst than streamyx, at least streamyx gave me 5-10kbps, this one gave me 0.
I believe more people will show in the next few days and tell you that it's not working, and I beg a pardon, which packgage did you sign up with? 1Mbps? 4 Mbps? HSBB?
kenneth : Ya. Absolutely.
angkp1990 : I saw this solutions from one of the forum in Malaysia and it works for almost everyone. I had also told my friends about this and it works for all of them. Maybe unfortunately, it can't works for some of the users like you (Area Issues?). Maybe there is people who had tried and get back his speed but lazy to post a reply here.
P/S: I wish the people here who had tried and get back the speed successfully will reply a comment on here, and so give me the support to post more nice posts here.
it works for me at least..thx!
it works! thanks!
what shud i do after i install it ? when i launch it .. show on my browser with start .. after pressed will link to another webpage ... means activated?
it works!!! thankyou! i hope those tmnut will not block dis as well
well, it works for pps :) but it doesnt help for thunder :(
anyway to fix this?
& when i run the hotspot shield, i cant load some websites also.
it works.. thanks
i cannot turn the it "connect/ON" status.
it pop up error msg:
Application not found
After i installed the HOT SHILED, it is not connecting to the VPN server. My local IP address has changed and i m not able to access the internet as well (No connection). Please advise if you have manual as reference on how to install/perform some setting? Thx in advanced
i manage to connect and everything but my ppstream is still not working.i choose the drama i wanted but its not there any way to solve it?
It work on my PC, thanks a lot!!
it works for me too....thx for ur good solution~~ ^ ^
It work for me, it's just some advertisement pop out when a new internet application open.
Overall it work great and give me an IP address at California which help my latency of playing World of Warcraft too.
fuliang: It will redirect to anchor free website if not mistaken.
Lara: It is not suitable for browsing, you should disable it when surfing the net.
ah: are you using windows xp or the most updated OS?maybe you will need to reinstall it..
Jeffery: there is no need to do any setting, juz make sure it is connected when you want to use it.
emo: have you try to open PPS again?it works perfectly in PPS for me...
i have the problem in shw cannot find the can solve it?
it can solve de pps problem but torrent file download such as xun lei still nt works~my xunlei stucked when i open vpn~if i close it~atleast can run on a 30kb speed for download~
pls be informed that , hotspot sheild got limited the 3G usage, they will tracking ur computer mac ip to record ur usage, if more than 3g, then will direct block u, unless u change ur mac ip
Not work for me either. I use thunder but cannot download anything at all.
Try this,
It work perfectly for me without any ads.
is not work for me.. it shows.. gateway times out..another solution?? i wish 2 hv pps...else life bored!!
hotspot shield It work perfectly for me.
thank you
some ppl having problem with hotspot shield maybe is because your anti-virus or anti-spyware program had interrupted the hotspot shield... either during your installation of the VPN or while attempting to connect to the VPN.
yes, hotspot shield won't works for xunlei. but doing good for pps. however, recently i can watch pps smoothly without connecting to hotspot shield as well. guess streamyx is still not so strict with pps. maybe they only block pps when they are running out with bandwidth.
not working for me for xunlei
any software or idea to work for xunlei?
any software work on bt or thunder?
Block BT P2P and PPS... streamyx jus block all the thing i wan
It's not work for XunLei. however, even I don't use Hotspot Shield, PPS still working fine for me.
P/S: im 1mbz user.
its work~~thnx a lot~~ VeReN
cannot de..i using thunder also cannot up my speed..i using 4mp download only can up to 0kpbs-30kpbs..
Thunder... no hope
no luck for thunder.. it even gave me script problem... i've deleted it
OK for PPS.
thunder face problem.
any solution for thunder?
need to rework thunder. damn
cant download as fast as be4
Thunder so fast get defeated.. sien...
Those TMnut fucking shit. never improve speed but want offer higher package so earn more. no matter how rm100 to be shared, after divided and add together still just rm100. why dont rm100 improved to rm200 since theres more ppl. fuck u tmnut. not happy go eat shit
Cibai malaysia those PIG / babi mulayuk go eat shit
james here...
it's works on my PC..:)....currently......
but next time dono yet.....
coz my problem b4 is...pps speed crowing at 20-25kb/s with my 1 Mb line..>_<
just install it the can work ord....VV
hi, there
I'm 4m user. current the xunlei not working well. only 10 to 30mb is running. sometime not at all. install hot shield also not working. Please help.
me 2...
work with PPS but not in Thunder(thunder give me 0 speed even seed also 0)
Nice.. It Works..
it was working before, but not working anymore since a week ago. o0o TMNUT!
works~~ thz alot~
virus~block by Eset Smart Security~
It work for me
it work at pps sibebar pagelist but dn work when connect to server =.=
its doesnt work for me, my xunlei even cant move after installed!!
PPS not tried yet...Xunlei fast a bit only...
I don't know why torrent speed is like not moving at all...TM block torrent or?
If using direct download the speed is decent...but torrent just speechless...
I was using utorrent last year then starting this year it gets very slow. Then i change tot bitcomet. It was fine till last week. Eventhough the peer (more seed than leech) it is still very slow. Is TMNET blocking all the torrent tracker cos when i called TMNET and told them on "TM ada block torrent/P2P ker?", they will answer "oh tak ada, TMNET bagi clear semua"... So how through izzit?... Need expert advise on this.
Yes, it work for me! At least I watch the video in Tudou. But any idea with Xunlei? Thanks.
not working for my thunder Zzzzz
arghhhhh does it work with utorrent?????????
plz do tell me on
Thunder--- when connect to hotspot shield, give u 0 KB/S. when disconnect faster.
Not working
Thunder (Xunlei) v7.1.8.2294 - the latest so far, is not working.... give u 0 KB/S, and only disconnect then only move....
But this is useful especially when those "Blocked" website, can be viewed....
Still looking for solution for Thunder (Xunlei).
Thanks for sharing...
works like magic thanks for the heads up. cheers!
useless cant not be used
Is it working on Tunder(xunlei) downloader? Please do let me know thanks
works for viewing blocked websites such as megaupload etc
not for xunlei. 0..
It works bloody well. After the ban, i was lucky to get like 8-20 kbps now i'm chalking bout 145 kbps.
My comet is just whizzing away if i'm comparing with just after the ban. And for that, I'm grateful :-D
Thanks mate!
can i still do this at this moment?? im going to try :D
Sad to say, I tried and the downloads seems to have stopped after a while. Think Streamyx might have caught on ... :(
HotSpot Shield worked with Xunlei for a short while, then last night (Aug. 1, 2012), it stopped working. Xunlei's download speed dropped from 400+kbps to 0kbps. Restarting PC didn't help. Nothing works.
THANK U BRO U SAVE MY 80% of 4.4gb file. THANK U SO MUCH AND FUCK U TMNET CIBAI . It works for me in december 2013 :)))))
hopeless for thunder~ January 2014....
Hotspot shield is the best free software till now...u rock aiklone1314!!!
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